My first time at the movies

Have you ever been to a movie theatre? I’m sure many teens out there have. Until 2017, I had never been to a movie theatre. That was probably because on my introverted personality and rigid parents. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as I got my first phone only a year later.  Before I had ever been to a theatre I’ve always wondered about what it would be like to sit and watch a movie on the big screen. I was often forced by my friends at school to join them for a sneak peak. The movies were for me “out of sight”. At that time, I was perfectly content with DVD’s and video tapes.

However, I must admit I have from time to time badgered my parents about going to the movies. But at the time, their only answer was “the theatre is a bad place where bad things happen.” For a long time, I learned to accept this. It wasn’t until my brother’s friends invited me to go to the movies. I didn’t dare to ask my parents because I knew that they would never grant me the privilege of going to the movie theatre. So I snuck out of my house with my brother.

When I first found out that I would finally be able to fulfill my long awaited dream of going to the movies, I was absolutely thrilled. Then I found out that the first movie I would ever see in a movie theatre would be Avengers: Infinity war and my excitement couldn’t be contained.

For the next few days before my trip to the movies I pondered on what it would be like to see a movie on a huge screen. Never before had I been to a movie theatre, so I found myself asking many questions that could come up with to people who had been to a screening. Then I did the most nerdy thing possible and researched about movie theatres. Did you know that the first movie theatre was an empty retail outlet in New Orleans?
Thankfully, movie theatres today have new 21st Century technology. This most likely contributed to my wonderful experience at the movie theatre. On my first trip can by best described in three things: nervous, excited and late.

The three contributed to my anxiety as I walked into the small, black and bright room toward the end of the hall at PVR cinemas in 1MG mall. The film itself added to my excitement. The icing on the cake was the fact that it was a 3D movie If there is one thing I would advise someone who intends to go the movies for the first time, it would be to watch a superhero movie and not scary ones. It is not fun to have ghosts, ghouls and demons popping out at you from a gigantic screen. However, I had prepped myself with movie trailers and maybe a few prequels.

Some of the negative things I must admit about the movie theatre is its long, unnecessary advertisements and the overpriced food. If I watched a movie at home, I would never have to watch fifteen minutes of previews and trailers, and never would I have spent Rs.300  on a bag of popcorn which was ironically the same cost as the movie ticket.
Nevertheless, one cannot deny the wonderful quality of the screen, sound and seating at the movie theatre. Those were some of the things that probably make the whole trip worth it. This is why I advise those of you out there who have never been to movie theatres to go as soon as possible, and bring a group of friends along with you.

It is a wonderful experience to have in life, and not going would be missing out on something great.

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