Museum of my personal history with Technology

Technology was never always a part of me. I grew in a time where technology was slowly evolving. Each step of evolution brought me something new and memorable. If owned a museum of my personal history of technology, I would include the following 5 things:


The television was probably the first piece of technology I was introduced to. I guess people born in the same generation as me wouldn’t deny that fact. The Television or the TV as it is commonly referred to, broadened my imagination and took me to new worlds. Cartoons like ‘Tom and Jerry’, ‘Thomas the train’, ‘Oswald’ made my day. For example, the show ‘Dora the Explorer’ would always conclude the episode with a question, “So what was your favourite part?” and I would reply hoping that Dora would listen to what I say. This established an emotional connect between the television and me.

2.PlayStation 2

Since both my parents were working, they used to leave some money for my brother and me to grab a snack or two. Instead, we would save that money and visit gaming parlours, there were days where my brother and I would starve to play a game. They had this black, cuboid shaped machine with two controllers. I still remember my first game, it was ‘WWE’ a wrestling game where my brother and I would compete. I didn’t worry about losing at all, the graphics of the game was what mesmerised me. I tried different games and they all had different settings. It felt like as if I were a part of that virtual universe. When I first held the joystick of the ps2, in knew it was going to be something special.


Probably the most expensive gadget bought till date, the laptop was quite helpful in many ways. It’s a grey DELL Inspiron series 3000 with an i3 processor. The technology nowadays has evolved so much that my laptop is just a grain of sand. The laptop helped my brother quite a lot with his work related issues and projects. For me? the laptop was nothing but a gaming device. I started played more games and learning a lot about customising them. It is at this point that I earned the tag of ‘Gamer’. The cliché stuff remains movies, Youtube, presentations etc.. but the laptop introduced me to online learning and I think that’s most valuable trait I’ve received from this device.

4.WiFi Router

A very underrated device which is now a necessity in everyone’s home. The WiFi was what helped me interact with people online. I became socially active. I started learning new thing and kept up to the trends of the modern world. I learned to play the guitar by learning online or I learned to play football by watching the professionals on Youtube. The point I’m trying to make here is that the wifi or the internet made me come out of my “shell” and showed me that there’s a whole world of new possibilities.


I think this device is probably on everyone’s list. My very first smartphone was an elegant OnePlus One. It’s a bit fancy for a first phone. I was in 12th grade when I got my first phone. At this point I knew how to use a phone. This device didn’t make much of a difference in my life and that’s the reason it is placed in the bottom. I craved for a smartphone when I was in high school but when I got it I realised that it wasn’t something great. But credit when its due, it helped me to connect with more people and made me feel responsible.

These are the 5 devices that acted as milestones and brought a new spark in my life.

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